Li Chen

Full Stalk Javascript Developer

Welcome to my page

I am a professor at UNC. My job consists of teaching, administrative work, conducting research, and course design. I am a people person and love to interact with others. I work helping students to achieve their goals. My work requires problem solving skills and constant learning so that I can be an effective instructor and clinician. Outside of work, I am very involved with my church. I am part of a graduate student ministry at UNC. I love teaching; however, I realized that I enjoy designing course content through web-applications the most. As a researcher, teacher, and administrator, I realized that I could design applications to make the job more efficient. Therefore, I decided to pursue the Coding Boot Camp at UNC. I just completed the Coding Bootcamp while working full-time. I am seeking a web-developer position.


Community services, cooking, tennis, valleyball, raquetball, clay shooting, iceskating, hiking, kayaking, and snowboarding


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap, Firebase, Node.js, MySQL, MongoDB, Express, Handlebars.js, React.js, Materialize, Moment.js, MongoDB, MongooseDB, Mocha and Chai Testing



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